At the peak of the rainy season, heavy downpour is expected at least once a day. This means that most of the items that had not been properly disposed of will be washed into the open sewer system, causing severe social and health complications.
Category: <span>Blog</span>
The journey “SOFER” has been amazing as we have been able to actively engage various communities in Nigeria, sensitizing them through different programmes such Green Christmas project, Envirotainment, The Serene Uyo Campaign, Slam Dunk Your Trash, Beat Air Pollution, Boot camp Environmental Education (BEE), Beach Clean-up Exercise as well as our most recent project, The Fishing Net Gains Nigeria.
My Story on Fishing Net Gains Nigeria (F-NGN)
Fishing Net Gains Nigeria (F-NGN). A name uniquely coined to portray our nation’s economy. How does fishing net gain Nigeria? When you cast your net, you do that with anticipation – to get a catch that will ‘gain’ you. In the process of gaining, what does the environment get? Your GARBAGE – lost, abandoned fishing...