Fishing Net Gains – Community Integrated Centre (FNG-CIC) project. By transforming waste fishing nets into valuable fabrics for bags, shoes, and furniture, we’re not only reducing ocean pollution but also empowering women and girls, fostering entrepreneurship, and promoting sustainable living in our coastal communities. By partnering with Global Ghost Gear Initiative (GGGI) and Ocean Conservancy we are demonstrating our commitment to meeting the UN Sustainable Development Goals in action, which includes;

Life Below Water: Conserving and sustainably using the oceans, seas, and marine resources by reducing ocean pollution through the recycling of waste fishing nets.
Decent Work and Economic Growth: Promoting sustained, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth by fostering entrepreneurship and creating jobs for women and girls in the community.
Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure: Supporting innovation and sustainable industrial practices by transforming waste materials into valuable products.
Sustainable Cities and Communities: Promoting sustainable living by integrating eco-friendly practices in our coastal communities.