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World Environment Day 2020 – Biodiversity

“Biodiversity” is United Nations Environment Programme’s(UNEP) theme for World Environment Day 2020. In line with this, our organization would focus on “Marine Biodiversity” as we are currently executing a project known as Fishing Net Gains Nigeria (F-NGN) which deals with issues of Abandoned, Lost, or Discarded Fishing Gears (ALDFGs) at sea.

The marine environment supplies many ecosystems that support biodiversity in coastal and open ocean habitats. Marine ecosystems provide many resources that are beneficial to the society and a significant proportion of the world’s population depends largely on the oceans and coasts for survival and well-being.

We understand the threat that the marine environment faces, some of which are as follows; overfishing, climate change, ghost fishing and other impacts of anthropogenic activities which all affect biodiversity. That being said, we at SOFER Initiative are more concerned with keeping a healthy marine ecosystem which is why the F-NGN project, designed in collaboration with the goals of Global Ghost Gear Initiative (GGGI) was created.

As World Environment Day approaches we would continue to enlighten you as well as share our works in the marine environment. We will also like to know what you would do in your own little way to save the marine environment.

Remember every little thing you do makes a difference!

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